Arnold, Concerto
C.P.E. Bach, Concertos in d minor, A Major, B flat Major
J.S. Bach, Brandenburg Concertos No. 2, 4, & 5
J.S. Bach, Suite No. 2 in b minor
Bernstein, Halil
Blodek, Concerto in G Major
Boccherini, Concerto in D Major
Cecer, Concerto
Chaminade, Concertino
Ciardi, Ballade
Corigliano, Pied Piper Fantasy
Damase, Concerto
Devienne, Concerto in e minor & G Major
Doppler, Hungarian Fantasy
Foss, Renaissance Concerto
Francaix, Concerto
Gluck, Concerto in G Major
Gretry, Concerto in C Major
Griffes, Poem
Harbison, Concerto
Hetu, Concerto
Ibert, Concerto
Jacob, Concerto
Jolivet, Concerto, Suite en Concert
Khatchaturian, Concerto
Liebermann, Concerto
Martin, Ballade
Mercadante, Concerto in e minor
Moscheles, Concerto
Mouquet, Concerto
Molter, Concerto in G Major
Mozart, Andante and Rondo, Concertos in G and D Major
Mozart, Concerto in C major for flute and harp,
Musgrave, Orpheo II
Nielsen, Concerto
Otaka, Concerto
Paget, One Hundred Roses
Pergolesi, Concerto in G Major
Quantz, Concerto in G Major
Reinecke, Concerto
Rodrigo, Concerto Pastoral, Fantasie para gentilhombre
Romano, Concerto
Romberg, Concerto
Rouse, Concerto
Saint-Saens, Odelette
Saylor, Turns and Mordents
Schwertsik, Instant Music
Stamitz, Concertos in C, G, and D Major
Telemann, Concerto in e minor for flute and recorder
Telemann, Suite in a minor
Vivaldi, Concertos – complete
More coming soon…
More coming soon…
Grade 2-4
Vester, 125 Classical Studies
Endresen, Supplementary Studies
Garibaldi, 30 Easy and Progressive Studies, Book 1 & 2
Grade 6
Melodious and Progressive Studies Book One:
Koehler, Progress in
Andersen, 18 Studies, Opus 41
Blakeman, Flute Players Companion, Book 1
Drouet, 25 Etudes Celebres
Grade 8
Berbiguier, 18 Etudes
Melodius and Progressive Studies Book Two:
Andersen, 26 Caprices, Opus 37
Andersen, 24 Studies, Opus 21
Koehler, Progress in Flute Playing, Opus 33, Book 2
Tershak, Daily Exercises, Opus 71
Grade 9
Andersen, 24 Studies, Opus 30
Andersen, 24 Studies, Opus 33
Taffanel, 24 Progressive Studies
Blakeman, Flute Players Companion, Book 2
Genzmer, Neuzeitliche Etuden
Bitsch, 12 Etudes
Boehm, 12 Studies, Opus 15
Demerssman, Studies, Opus 4
Melodious and Progressive Book Three:
Boehm, 24 Melodious Etudes, Opus 37
Koehler, Progress in Flute Playing, Opus 33, Book 3
Grade 10
Donjon, Etudes
Altes, 26 Selected Studies
Karg-Elert, 30 Caprices
Casterede, 12 Studies
Taffanel, Methode complete de Flute, volume 2
Boehm, 24 Caprices, Opus 26
Andersen, 24 Studies, Opus 15
Piazzola, 6 Tango Etudes
Grade 12
Paganini, 24 Caprices
Koehler, Virtuoso Studies, Opus 75, Book 1
Andersen, 24 Grand Studies, Opus 63, Book 1 & 2
Bozza, 14 Etude Arabesque
Professional Level
Andersen, 24 Technical Studies, Opus 60, Book 1 &2
DeLorenzo, 9 Great Studies
Damase, 24 Etudes
Moyse, 48 Studies of Virtuosity, Book 1 & 2
Mower, Finger Busters
Briccialdi, 6 Grand Studies, Opus 31
Melodious and Progressive Studies Book Four:
Koehler, Virtuoso Studies, Opus 75, Book 2 & 3
Camus, 6 Grand Etudes, Opus 10
Jean-Jean, Etudes Moderne
Filas, 90 Top Register Studies
Maquarre, Daily Exercises
Moyse, De la Sonorite
Moyse, Tone Development through Interpretation
Moyse, Scales
Moyse, Daily Exercises
Moyse, 20 Exercises on Grand Slurs and Trills
Moyse, School of Articulation
Moyse, 24 Melodious Studies with Variations
Moyse, 25 Melodious Studies with Variations
Taffanel and Gaubert, 17 Daily Exercises
Wye, Practice Books 1 – 6
More coming soon…
Raíces Negras Trio - Kennedy Center's Millennium Stage Series
Raíces Negras Trio - Kennedy Center's Millennium Stage Series
Dr. Ceylon Mitchell (flute), Erin Murphy Snedecor (cello), and Dr. Elizabeth Hill (piano) celebrate innovative and prominent American women composers of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Angélique Kidjo: Color of Noize Orchestra
Angélique Kidjo: Color of Noize Orchestra
Global icon and five-time Grammy Award winner Angélique Kidjo returns to Carnegie Hall in celebration of her incomparable 40-year (and counting!) career, including selections from her latest project, African Symphony, as well as performances with her band of songs that...
Levine Presents | Brazilian Choro: The Musical World of Pixinguinha
Levine Presents | Brazilian Choro: The Musical World of Pixinguinha
Contemporary classical flutist Dr. Ceylon Mitchell II leads the Raíces Negras choro ensemble in an evening celebrating the genre’s most influential composer, Alfredo da Rocha Viana Filho, also known as Pixinguinha.